Oleg Kuznetsov
Was born at Gorkiy (now Nizhniy Novgorod) in 1959.
1975-1979 - Boy's Cappella under the leadership of L.K.Sivukhin.
1979 - complete Gorkiy Musical college, specialty Choir conducting (class of L.N.Morenova).
1985 - complete Moscow State Conservatory n.a. Piotr Chaikovsky, specialty Choir conducting (class of professor V.G.Sokolov).
1987 - started to work at Moscow State Pedagogical Institute, faculty of social professions, where started to form choir groups on different faculties (math, phisics and other)
1988 - Choir of Moscow State Pedagogical University is founded from some of such choir groups merging and leaded until 2002.
1991 - started to work at Moscow academic musical theatre n.a. K.Stanislavsky and V.Nemirovich-Danchenko as a choirmaster.
2001-2005 - Main choirmaster of the theatre.
From 2011 - Conductor of Polyphonic Choir recreated from the base of Choir of MSPU on its participants initiative.